I had a friend, Lois Magee, who was two years older than me, and I went everywhere she did. Everything that she would do—that was just perfect with me—I could do it too. She had a pony that she rode all the time. There was a friend of my mother's, an older woman, who had a horse, [and she let me ride it sometimes] and she had a sidesaddle. My friend was riding astride, but this lady was up in years, and she had grown up with a sidesaddle, so I had to ride sidesaddle. Every time this friend of mine would go somewhere on her horse, I would follow.
So we went down to the river to Blue Hole, and Blue Hole wasn't what it looks like now. It was deep and blue, and they used to say it was hard to find the bottom or there wasn't any bottom and such as that. So nothing would do, she put her horse in and began to swim him across to the north side from the south side. Well, of course, I followed her. I got across, but I had never ridden a horse across a river before, and especially Blue Hole.
And I think back to it, and I think what a crazy thing it was for me to do. I didn't ride near as much as she did, and it was a borrowed horse at that, and I had to go, and they had to saddle it for me; it was a big horse. I was fourteen or so years old then, and she was two years older.