Rock House Community - Historical Marker 1936" itemprop="image" height="991" width="600" title="Rock_house_community" class="fl-photo-img wp-image-5243 size-full no-lazyload"/>
Manuel Flores - Historical Marker dated 1936" itemprop="image" height="493" width="533" title="Manuel_Flores-Historical_Marker" class="fl-photo-img wp-image-5242 size-full no-lazyload"/>
Gabriel Mills - Historical Marker" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Connell Cemetery and Historical Marker" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Dog Run Log Cabin 10 mi. N of Liberty Hill via SH 20/US 183, off local road" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
First Baptist Church" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Hopewell Cemetery (was known as the old Enoch Johnson Graveyard)" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Liberty hill Methodist Church Church at Myrtle" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Liberty hill Methodist Church Church at Myrtle" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Liberty Hill Masonic Hall Main St. at Myrtle" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Liberty Hill Masonic Hall Main St. at Myrtle" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Loafer’s Glory Apostolic Church in the small community of Loafer’s Glory" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Site of Concord School - Historical Marker" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Williams-Buck Cemetery 5.5 miles from the intersection of Highway 183 and County Road 207 on CR 200" data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
Liberty Hill Cemetery on SH Hwy 29, 2 mi. W of Liberty Hill
also view William Oliver Spencer Marker " data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">
also view William Oliver Spencer Marker " data-description="" itemprop="contentUrl">