illiamson County Historical Commission
Cemetery Restoration Volunteers

Of Williamson County Texas

Williamson County Historical Commission
Cemetery Restoration Volunteers

The “Cemetery Restoration Volunteers” (CRV) and the Williamson County Historical Commission maintain on a rotation basis over 20 neglected cemeteries in Williamson County.


Cemetery Restoration Volunteers is a group of individuals working to preserve neglected and abandoned cemeteries in Williamson County, Texas. Out of the more than 200 cemeteries in Williamson County, we maintain about 20 on a rotational basis. Our work is a collaborative effort of people interested in helping to preserve our history and honor the people who came before us whose graves have been neglected. The volunteers are under the direction of the Williamson County Historical Commission’s Cemetery Chair, Joe Plunkett. There are currently 18 volunteers using their own equipment to mow grass, remove overgrown vegetation, and repair and level headstones. Donations to the WCHC Cemetery Committee help to defray the costs of restoring tombstones.

For more information about WCHCCRV, please email [email protected] or visit the Facebook page

at https://www.facebook.com/groups/2186745204950841/.

Many cemeteries are overgrown with vegetation, so

the first thing we do is carefully cut down and remove brush and vegetation covering the gravesites.

Often we have

to remove debris and fallen trees that have
damaged the gravestones.

Once the cemetery is cleared of brush and debris we mow the area between the stones, taking care to preserve the pieces of any broken monuments. Our volunteers will return to the cemetery periodically to

mow and keep the grounds maintained

What We Do

Raise, Level, and Clean Monuments

Over time, stones tilt and even fall over. The bases of monuments sink into the earth. Using shovels, picks, and specialized tools, we lift the bases of sunken monuments level tilted stones, and replace fallen stones on their



Old stones become covered with grime, including mold, moss, algae, and lichen, which not

only obscure the information on the stone but also degrade it, causing structural damage. We use a gentle, non-toxic cleaner to remove the grime and restore the stone’s appearance.

Repair Broken Stones and Monuments

Some stones fall over and

get broken, while others may suffer damage from previous vandalism or the effects of time and weather. When possible, we repair the damage to preserve the stones and the information they contain for future generations.

General Maintenance

Many cemeteries are unmarked. When funds

we purchase and install signage at the cemeteries we maintain.

CRV has been helped by the Boy Scouts in the past and in 2020, an Eagle Scout candidate chose

one of our cemeteries for his service project. He and his crew removed a rusty, damaged fence and installed new fencing around the perimeter and mounted a new sign.

Contact Us


more information about volunteering with us, email[email protected]


To keep up with what we are doing, visit our

Facebook page athttps://bit.ly/3cbzEYz


more information about the
Williamson County Historical Commission, visit

Special Thanks

We appreciate the support of the following organizations and individuals who have donated goods

, services, or money to WCHCCRV.
Donations are always welcome and will help defray the cost of restoring cemeteries and repairing gravestones.
Please contact [email protected] for more
information on how to donate .
ESI Masonry Supplies
• Tex-Mix Concrete
• Williamson County Genealogical Society
• Williamson County Historical Commission
• Williamson County Roads and Bridges