Bartlett Western Railroad, and Georgetown Rail Road And Other Early Transportation in Williamson County, Texas


a special thanks to Lester Haines for this wonderful slice of history

This article is from the Journal of Texas Shortline Railroads And Transportation
A History of the Texas Shortline Railroads, Streetcars, Stage Lines and Riverboats August I Sept. I Oct., 1997 Volume 2 Number 2
for more information or permission to use photos from this article call or write Lester Haines at (512) 299-6495 - - [email protected]

(For back copies contact Lester Haines)

Back in the late 1800 you had to walk, ride a horse or a horse and buggy or take the Stage - and from Georgetown to Austin was an all day trip.

When the trains came in you could ride the afternoon train in to Austin eat and take in show and take the midnight train back in one day no less. Check out the pages below on the Stages and trains.

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