The Round Rock News An Average Day in Round Rock History

A special thanks the Round Rock Leader for letting
the Historical Commission post these wonderful articles.

The Time Capsules stories are prepared by Bob Brinkman

Texas Historical Commission


An Average Day in Round Rock History

We tend to think of history as major events and dates, such as 1492 or 1776, with relatively unimportant things occurring in-between. But studying an “ordinary” day can tell us quite a lot about our community and the people who lived before us. Consider what was happening in our town on October 21, 1886, courtesy an issue of the newspaper, The Round Rock News. The Round Rock Institute announced the opening of their fall session, offering courses in Latin, Greek, Spanish, French and German, plus music, art and classes in bookkeeping and commercial law. Every day there were four trains arriving along the International & Great Northern Railroad. The News reported that during the month of September Round Rock received over 1,000,000 pounds of freight at the railroad depot. Stores offering these goods from big-city markets included Wiess & Triggs, clothing; A. J. Brooks, lumber, doors and windows; and M. Bernheim’s general store, offering everything from cloth and carpets to dried apples and molasses.

Dr. J. H. Johnson announced a shipment of new silver jewelry available at his drug store.

Construction on the E. P. Robinson building (117 East Main) was nearing completion, with the front being finished out. L. W. Redus advertised fresh fish and oysters as a specialty at the City Restaurant.

Sam Hardin and A. Gunnels both advertised their livery stables and buggy sales. At least six doctors practiced in town, including T. W. Royston, S. E. Hudson, J. A. Holloway, W. B. Maney, J. A. Black, and C. C. Black. Dr. J. H. Bawden was a dentist in town. The big statewide story was a hurricane that devastated Sabine Pass, leaving just two houses standing in a town of 800. The News issued a call for Round Rock citizens to contribute to a relief fund. There was also a yellow fever epidemic sweeping Mississippi, which caused Texas governor John Ireland to declare a quarantine against people and products of that state. It seems that even a quiet day in Round Rock history was bustling with activity.